NFL Youth

We were given a task: change the way kids think about football, and inspire the next generation of players and fans.

We learned that GenZ no longer seeks a sport to play, they seek social currency. So to break through with this generation, we needed to bring the social benefits of the sport to life in a new way. We challenged kids to discover what they can learn from the game, and about themselves.

We spoke in their language and on their terms — it was fun, visceral and immersive. We borrowed popular GenZ vernacular and cleverly injected it into the world of football. It created full on FOMO.

Going beyond traditional video, Translation redesigned the website, built digital ads, and created a lot of social content.

At the 2019 Bring It All Block Party, every day is GAME DAY and every fan is a player. We showcased the range of interests that feed into the game of football, and gave guests a chance to experience the many facets of the game in a truly immersive setting.

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